Thursday, May 10, 2012


InDesign - Magazine Duplicate

Learning InDesign was both fun and beneficial because I was able to practice what I learned from IDD 110.  I like InDesign lot and think it is a great program that I will a lot.

The objective in this assignment recreate and exact replica of an already existing magazine spread.  I first research magazine spreads and layouts until I found one that would be possible to replicate.  After finding my article, I then found the im ages that were used in the article, and thankfully I was able to find the exact images.  I was also able to find the exact font that they is used in the title.  I had to play around to match the correct size and placement.

Then I tried to match the pull-quote and subtitle as best as I could.  I had to make the curve of the white background so that it cut off the bottom of the image just like in the original article.  After adding the images, captions, and adjusting text placement, I completed the assignment and successfully created a replica magazine spread.

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