Thursday, May 10, 2012

Illustrator Final - Tarot Card

The Illustrator Final was to create an alphabet or Tarot Card.  I choose to do a tarot card because I though it would test my abilities a little harder. 

This was probably the most strenuous and meticulous assignment because of the detail I put into it, but I am happy with the overall result.

I started the assignment by research and gaining inspiration by looking at other Tarot Cards.  PROCURATIO means navigation or guidance, which is the over theme of my card.  I made a compass to represent that guidance.  It had wings to represent it is supernatural and spiritual, not physical guidance.  To add to the background I added a sun with a face, which is noticeable tin a lot of the cards I researched.  It is the overlooks the compass as if it was watching it.  The grass at the bottom completes the images and fives it a more full feel to it.

After making all of this in Adobe Illustrator, I exported the images to Photoshop were the real fun began.  I added multiple textures and elements to the images.  The clouds, the compass, the sun all have different textures.  On top of that I added a grainy texture to the entire card to make it look old or aged.

Overall this assignment was time consuming, but was well worth it.  I left the assignment confident in my Illustrator and Photoshop knowledge.

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